It's been a hell of a week!

I'm starting to hit my stride with both How 2 Fail lets plays and Playing Devils Advocate production. However I fear that it's leaving little time for anything else.
Right now I'm looking into a new editor, which'll open up a lot more free time for comics and such.

Theres also been a series of short videos since last week which'll hopefully make you laugh.
Check the link list to the left and judge for yourself!

I would like to apologise for my lack of reviews lately.
Unfortunately this is due to both limited free time and my saving money; this month has proven to be very expensive.
I'll let you know what I think of Assassins Creed IV when I finally get to the multiplayer aspect, but for now I've started a new retrospective series on called "Things I Remember", starting with Mass Effect (
I want to turn these into videos one day, but for now I need to stick with the workload I've already put on myself.


Raiden Legacy is finally back!

Don't believe me? The new link to the left agrees with me.

I did something a little silly with this though.
I decided to focus on the chapters for a week, believing I could complete 3 chapters in 7 days.
To put this in perspective, that would usually take me a month and a half to do!
I was only able to finish 2 however, but since that's an entire Month's worth, with procrastination and all, I'm really feeling good about myself.

What does this mean? That Raiden Legacy is going to be weekly from now on!

Also, a little update on what's been going on with Aston's blog.
Since my last post, Aston has started his own site, Battle Misfit!
Now I'll be doing reviews for that site too, as well as additional comic strips.
Some strips will be unique too either site, so you can alternate to see them all!
My new Stuff I Remember section will go up there first, so check out Battle Misfit for it, and other interesting articles.

Campfire Girls may be taking a bit longer than expected, but don't worry!
All this week, we'll be having new videos and comics, nearly every day!
Check back tomorrow for something a little....different, and stay tuned for the new review series Playing Devils Advocate!


Chapter 16 is up (, along with a new comic strip!

Now that's out of the way, a little announcement;
Following chapter 17, Raiden Legacy will be taking a 2 week hiatus, returning October 28th. 17 concludes the current series of events, so it seems like a good place to take a break.
Rest assured this is nothing to do with GTA V; this is not a break from work in general.
The problem is that I have a lot of side projects I need to resolve, namely updating the site into a more appealing format, finishing the flash version, and updating both the encyclopaedia entries and character profiles. I have talked to death about these, but I haven't been able to, mainly due to both my work shifts, recent illness and the biweekly Raiden chapters.
I just need a few weeks to get my stuff together and get everything up to date, so I can take my workload in stride and update everything as I go.
I've thought long and hard about this, and pausing production on Raiden is the only way to get everything up to date.

I'll still be doing the comic strips, and when my project with Chris over comes our scheduling conflicts I'll be releasing that bi-weekly too.

For now, see you when I feel less gross.

Technical difficulties

First of all, Raiden Legacy work is going well.
I've finished scripting the first story arc and have moved onto concept art.
This is different from how I first started: when I first started posting regularly My approach was to write the concept art and scripts prior to the chapter itself on a weekly basis. And for a while that was fine, but then I got an actual job at IKEA.
Slowly I had to drop more and more projects, until by the end of the summer I was completely burnt out. The thing about holding two jobs is that you quickly realise your limits.
Of course Raiden Legacy isn't really a job, since I don't get payed, but I've always treated it as such.
Bottom line, the chapters are still going to be a while. I'll keep updating as I go, but it's going to be a long process.
But for now this is my priority; that being said I'll keep with the Friday strips.

Once all the concept art and profiles are done, I'll got straight into production, releasing chapters weekly. I want to help Lara more with Campfire girls, as well as doing more large scale projects, but for now I'll take everything one at a time, at least until I finish the first story arc.
Needless to say, I'm psyched right now for what's to come! Let's get burnt out all over again!


It's been a while, and I have a lot to get off my chest.
That's right, more bitching and excuses.
If that's not your bag, feel free to skip the following paragraph to the part where I talking about good stuff.

The bitching part is kind of important for me. It's a place to unload my frustrations and verbalise things.
You know, without paying for therapy of course.
The past few weeks I've been feeling, trapped. I started both Raiden Legacy and my job at IKEA at around the same time. A lucky break to get work so soon after my last job, but inconvenient when your committing to a new production schedule and are still learning the ropes. Over the past few weeks it really hit me how I was essentially stuck in a cycle, and wasn't making any real progress. I go work for 8 hours, come home and work on Raiden Legacy, then I feel too unmotivated to do any other work. Chapter 17 fell way behind schedule as a result.
What didn't help was my diet; turns out that low carbs means flatter stomach but emotionally dead inside. The past few weeks I've been a complete wreck.

at the beginning of the month I went to a seminar hosted by Tim Quinn, former artist and editor of Spider-Man (hands down my favourite comic series of all time), where I asked him what he thought of my work. He seemed genuinely impressed! To have a guy who worked on Spider-Man compliment me like that; it's indescribable!
Raiden is currently in a hiatus while I finish some things behind the scenes, and while I can't give you a date yet, when the series returns I'm looking to make it weekly. This will be a full time effort until the end of part 1, after which I'll take a break.

I will be tired, BUT FUCK THAT! I'm not settling in a job I don't have a passion for. I have a great job, but it's not me!
Think I'm talking shit?
Next week will be a strip a day to make up for lost time, the lost encyclopaedia entries will be up when I get home and the rest of the site is getting a full make over this week.
I'm charged now! Watch this space, updates are coming over the next few days!
No more excuses and no more complaints!
This isn't a promise!
It's a mother fucking pact!


New comic strip, but I'm not too happy about it.

I did after I was sent home from work sick, which I've been feeling all weekend. I'm still not 100%, but I want to redo the comic anyway.
I'll never forgive myself for a shoddy product; the people who actually bother to visit this site deserve better.

Chapter 16 is still on schedule and it'll be up Monday.
Not much else to say.

Barf, I guess.



Chapter 15 and a new comic strip are up on schedule!

Told you this shit was happening!

But anyway, this chapter I intentionally made a few things less obvious, building on what I set up in chapter 09, namely related to why Keanu's arm turns black. I wanted the whole thing to be a lot more gradual, and pay it off much later. 

The comic strips are a bit more simple this time, intentionally to make it a little more cutesy.  I don't know if people will like it, but I can always go back to the older style.
The main reason I feel comfortable about this, is because the comic strips aren't a priority; I'm just making these for a cheap laugh and because I enjoy making them.

The project with Chris has taken another step back (I hate typing that) but it'll be out when it's out.
It's a priority for us, and we're hoping to have it out within the month.

My main priority right now though is improving the site layout, and finishing the new flash format for post on Deviant art and later Newgrounds.

Both should be finished by the time I release chapter 16. 



Well, the comic strip wasn't up as promised, and I apologise for that. The problem was that I didn't anticipate the jet lag that followed my trip abroad, leading to a lack in productivity.

Despite my bodies attempts to sabotage me, chapter 14 is up and 15 will be up next week as promised.
I'm both happy and disappointed in this chapter; namely I am disappointed with the artwork in the first half (when I was exhausted pre-holiday) but after the half way mark I started getting into my work a little more.
This chapter is one I've been looking forward to, mainly because it's kind of a tipping point in the series. Until now the series has been following a status-quo; characters visit town, Ryulong attack, fight them off. But this chapter begins a four chapter arc that essentially starts the story off, so we can actually get to some plot development.

The new comic strips and Chapter 15 will be up on schedule, even if I have to sacrifice my sleep hours.

I would even be willing to sacrifice Splinter Cell time!
Speaking of which, I'll be uploading a full review of Splinter Cell Blacklist once I've finished the story and tried some of the multiplayer.
I will say that so far this is the best Splinter Cell yet, hands down. It doesn't have the depth to the stealth that the classic games had, but it traded the stealth mechanics for fun. Even if you're not a fan of Splinter Cell or stealth games in general, you'll find this game both intuitive and easy to adapt too. Especially when the game give you the freedom to choose how you play. Wether you're sneaking without disturbing anyone in classic Splinter Cell style, taking them out non-lethally Batman style, stabbing them in the dark like Riddick or blowing them away in traditional shooter style.

Speaking of reviews, I wasn't happy with the ones that I did in bulk. The ones from now on will be more in-depth, as I get used to the format a little more.



style="font-family: proxima-nova, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: 23.50694465637207px;">I'm back, with good and bad news!

First thing's first, no Raiden Legacy this week.
I know I promised to have it ready, but work has gotten in the way of my releasing it on time. The whole chapter is about 95% done, but it's 5% that I don't want to rush.
So chapter 14 will be released next Monday, with chapter 15 being released the following Monday.
I've been releasing chapters late in the past, which bothers me. So from now on, chapters will be released at 9am GMT. This may change if I have an early shift on a Monday, in which case the chapters will be released at 8am or 7am. Either way it's early Monday morning.

Also the video project I had planned has hit a snag, so we've had to push production back.
It'll be released eventually, but I will have to deal with issues like this, especially with something I'm not familiar with.
I've been kind of douchey about this secret thing, but I can at least say that it involves Chris, is animated and is movie related.

Good news however is that the comic strips are coming back on Fridays, so the first will be on the 23rd. This will be weekly rather than Bi-weekly, meaning more content on the site more frequently!

Been feeling pretty good about myself over the holidays, and I came back eager to to get back to work. I've pretty much been working non-stop since January, so it's been good to get some head space.
It's the first time that I've been feeling really good about my art; before now I've just had a feeling that it was fine, but now I'm honestly happy with what I'm producing.
Probably because I've been reviewing the old chapters and I have something more crappy to compare it too.

Finally, I'll be trying to do a little more for the site, updating certain things and changing others to make the site a little more professional.

So with a lot of work to do I better get back to it.



Wish I could say that Volume 1 is ready, however I haven't been able to finish it before I have to leave. Pretty much the last I have to do is finish the exclusive chapter. Unless work decides that they don't need me today, it still needs another week to finish. However with the work done so far, I can confirm that Volume 1 will be released on the 19th, along with chapter 14.

Volume 2 will be released in September, with Volume 3 coming out when the included chapters are finished.

I'm feeling very optimistic about the future. I have several new projects coming up next month, which I can finally start committing too. I'm especially looking forward to producing comic strips again, so new Neuro Crash will be released on the 15th, with a weekly release. Raiden Legacy itself has reached a point where the main plot has finally caught up with the characters. For the first 13 chapters the characters have pretty much just been traveling, but the events of 14 to 17 feature events will set in motion the plot and tone that will carry on until the end of the series.
I'm feeling especially hopeful, since I can finally take a couple of weeks off. I've been working on this and other things, namely IKEA work, pretty much consistently since the beginning of January, and honestly I really need a break. So in a few weeks I can come back relaxed and ready to get back to work.

Chapter 14 itself is 50% done, so I can pick right back up where I left it to finish the last 10 pages.

The video project I've been talking about for a while has hit a slight snag, so when I get back I have to take care of a few issues. I wanted to release it on the 15th, but now I have to settle for the 29th.


 First of all I want to welcome Becky Lindsey as the Editor for Raiden Legacy. She's been helping out a lot with proof reading my scripts, but we've made it official.

Now I just need to hire someone to make the comic for me and I'm set!

The past week has been pretty fun; I've had a chance to put a lot of things in perspective.
Mostly I've been preparing things for when I get back from Canada, including a new web series that I've been sitting on for months now. It'll be released bi-weekly on Thursdays, starting from August 15th, so it'll alternate with Raiden Legacy. I'll also be standardising the release time to 12pm; gives me more of a target to aim for.
On the 16th I'll be doing comic strips again, which I initially dropped when I had issues keeping up with while I was adjusting to my new job. I want to bring back campfire girls (thanks again to Lara for her patience), which will be soon after the 19th, I promise.

The next week is going to be a real push before I jump ship, so that everything is ready for me to actually enjoy my holiday.
So enjoy the latest chapter of Raiden Legacy (, and I'll be back soon with more content.



11 was a week late, so I made up for it with 12. However it's not a situation I want to end up in again.

I learnt a lot over the past week. Firstly that I've become way more efficient with my drawing, capable of doing nearly a weeks worth of work in a day. On the flip side I feel like it could have been a lot better, reinforcing why I made this a bi-weekly series.
Secondly I noticed a lot of areas where I could do better, namely in the backgrounds. This is something that I plan on focusing on in the future, in particular during chapter 13. 14 through to 17 however are going to be a bit lighter on the backgrounds, being set pretty much exclusively in a forest, but after that the story will be moving onto some new locations that I'm looking forward to drawing.

There are some chapters in Raiden Legacy that I associate with things, like this is the one that was a bitch to finish, or this is the one that I had to remake half way through.
12 is the one where I won. I had a brief period of doubt, which usually would lead to me starting the series over from scratch. This time however, I came out stronger and more determined than ever.

For anyone feeling down about your work, try watching Red Vs Blue episode 1 then think about how this weekend they have an entire convention devoted to their company. Same with Penny arcade.
All you can do is constantly improve yourself.

Next week I have a surprise holiday from work, meaning that I can devote more time to projects that I've been holding off on (and perhaps finally get some use out of this Gym membership that's been eating away at my bank account), and at the end of the month I'll be flying to the merry land of Canada for a couple of weeks, so chapter 14 will be released on August 19th rather than the 5th. 13 finishes in a good place though, so when I get back I can get started on the new storyline.



I'm really not happy right now.

First of all this is the first time that I've missed a submission, though I am confident that chapter 12 will be up as scheduled, next Monday rather than another 2 weeks.

Secondly, It's really not up to the standards I have for myself. Some panels are better than I initially remembered, but overal I feel like I can do so much better.

I will endeavour to do better, both for the few people who take the time to read my work and for myself.

I know that I tend to beat myself up a lot; recently I started asking people if I should start the series again in a fit of insecurity. But I feel like I need to push myself in order to make better and better content.
Looking back the comic may not feel great, but at the same time it seems to be better than I remember.

So not only am I going to keep at this, I'm going to accelerate!
I have a holiday coming up to Montreal so I really want to finish up to chapter 13 before I go; I'll be missing out an update to take a break, but 13 is really the last of the first act of the story. 14 is where the story takes a new direction and seems most appropriate to finish the storyline that takes place in Omega before I leave.

With that said, check back for even more content!


It's not been a good week for me and there are a few things I need to get off my chest, mainly that I'm officially making Raiden Legacy a Bi-weekly thing, at least until I can actually make money off it.

Before now I had been working to release Raiden Legacy weekly, but for one reason or another it always ended up being a week late. But now I'm starting to feel the effects of my endever and need to make some changes to my schedule.

You see a standard page takes me around 2 hours each, with 20 pages a week, that equals 40 hours a week. But I have work shifts, sleep and a social life on top of that. If I'm awake for 17 hours, 4 pages a day would mean working for half the day, not taking into account food. Work is the main drain on my time; I'm signed on to work at least 16 hours a week, but it often goes over 20 hours, or in the case of this week over 40. And this isn't counting editing.
So all that math = an exhausted idiot.
So I'm changing my schedule to 10 pages a week (20 hours a week), spread out over 6 days, giving me one day off.

The long and short of it means that if I focus on 10 pages a week I can work on other projects, like mini comic strips (that I miss making) and animations; the first will be Raiden Legacy based, essentially an opening music video for an animation (there is no Raiden Legacy animated. I am one man with with limited work hours). It's something I've wanted to do for a while now and hopefully should act as a mini advert for the comic itself.

In terms of the comic itself, chapter 07 will be posted later on tomorrow, with chapter 06 being posted on Deviant art at the same time. The aim is to finish chapter 08, so that I can release volume 01 as premium content here on Deviant art. Plus with the extended time frame I can create more content for the volume itself.
Don't know if anyone would buy it, but hey nothing ventured right?

Sorry for moping, but when you find yourself hyperventilating while pacing up and down an IKEA restaurant telling yourself to get it together, you need to get something off your chest, even if it's typed up in a small dark corner of the internet. But your welcome in my dark corner, and hopefully my work can entertain you (I'll even loan you a reading light).

But enough of being all Emo and shit!
Comic talk!​

​This is where the story finally gets going for me, with events having a more significant impact on the characters. The first 6 chapters became devoted to establishing a status quo, as to introduce the characters and situation quickly before we get to know them.
New characters introduced are Gioconda and Fioralba; an idea I had ages ago of a sniper and knife wielder tag team. Their role has always been as Rocks subordinates; loyal to him no matter what. The age thing was important too; it was established in an earlier draft when Rock was more of a womaniser that he would just blank them most of the time, when ironically they were the ones who actually liked him. This got toned down when Rock became more of this info manic, curious observer, so Gia and Fio had to develop their own personalities. I'm still getting the hang of them, but I like Fioralba already; she's like this petite cynic, with a passion for cheeseburgers (yet she stays tiny). Gioconda is a bit more generic to me besides being kind of angry and dressing a bit more girly than the other characters. Maybe I can flesh her out when I get into her back story next time.
Mainly I'm glad to have a fight scene with Natsumi, who i consider to fill the protagonist role (Keanu's more of the Han Solo to Natsumi's Luke Skywalker if you get me) but she hasn't really fought much. I wanted to have her come across as competent, if a little inexperienced. Also the fist of many costume changes for Natsumi. For one reason or another, Natsumi is just the one with the drastic changes, matching her more impulsive personality. Izumi changes her shirts, but reuses the same hoodie and jacket combo, so you don't see it. But I feel that it kind of fits her character too, that she likes the safe and familiar.
If this wasn't back and white Natsumi's hair would change too, but there are some colour pages coming soon so hopefully I can show the difference there. I would change her overall style, but I kind of write myself into a corner by giving her short hair, so there wasn't much I could do with it besides the teased spikes look. The changes in outfit is also why I gave her those spikes on the back of her head to distinguish her. Plus the way her central bang curves towards the right side of her face, unlike Izumi whose curves left and spikes at the front, to keep them similar but different too, since most cartoon characters are really distinguished by their hair, although I do try to put in little differences like Sekai having a sharper chin and nose from Natsumi and changing the eyelash shape on each character (Izumi and Natsumi both have 2 large spikes, while sekai has the same but with 2 smaller ones near the bottom of the eye.
Hopefully these changes come across to the people that notice them.

Also on the subject of the cities these guys visit.
You probably noticed by now that I like to name cities after Mathematical terms. Namely Vector, Radius and Scalene. This is different for the bigger cities, which are named after the greek alphabet  like the capital of Huntren being Omega city.
Another thing you may have noticed is that I like to make cities, for lack of a better word, gimmicky. Like Vector being on giant stilts and Radius having that huge wall. That's because I like to incorporate cites around the fight scenes. For example in Radius I wanted a fight on that giant wall, which proved to be a pain since gravity is all messed up while characters are fighting on them. Scalene on the other hand was based on a thought I had; "you know what I want to draw? People fighting on giant ass cables!" So I based the city around those cables.
In Scalene I've pretty much written in everything I wanted to show. Which is good for me, since I didn't get to show what I wanted to of Radius, which was originally more water based, but for what ever reason the multiple rivers, fountains and aqueducts didn't get drawn in; the city ended up as super boring as a result, all it had was the wall.
Still I really liked the initial designs and I really want to use them, but so far I'm not sure where. There is a location that is pretty much a city which is a desert roaming convoy, but I'm not sure how I can work it into a fight, so I might use it there.
Vector felt under utilised, mainly because the guy they were fighting was very ground based. I wanted the fight to bounce between the giant platforms, or falling onto lower levels. Fortunately there is a flashback fight where I can hopefully get to use a lot more elaborate fight moves. To that end I'm really looking forward to chapter 13, which I've written to include a lot of transitions and moving vehicles. Though one shot on a speedway I'm not looking forward to, but it should look awesome if I can get it right. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Designs I'm looking forward to is a cliff side ski resort, a city built into the sides of a giant pit and a fight on a flying aircraft carrier as it crashes into the ground. I have some lamer ideas, but I feel like they could use punching up.
There's a wild west themed fight which could be incorporated into the convoy idea, but we'll see. I like crazy set pieces.

On that note, check out GI Joe Retaliation, if only for one scene where Snake eyes fights an army of ninjas while swinging along a mountain cliff face. It's fucking awesome!


First of all, I want to welcome Chris Marland and his new segment on the site, That's a wrap, which is a weekly news post on the latest movie news, including new release announcements. It'll be released every Saturday, so check back then for the latest info on everything cinema.

On top of that we'll be doing regular reviews on games and movies, as well as some retrospective on old stuff we want to comment on.

We have other movie related stuff to come, but it'll have to wait.

I've reached a point where I've actually had to ask work for less shifts.

It's not that I'm so jaded that I think that my artwork is so important that I don't need proper work, or that I don't understand the importance of money. Honestly this would be great if I wanted to work at IKEA full time, but it's not what I want to do full time. I don't want to be a hotdog vendor; I want to wake up and create art that people can enjoy, then fall asleep knowing that I get to do it again tomorrow. A silly dream perhaps, but one that honestly seems attainable lately. And the fact is that if I'm working over 40 hours a week, I simply won't have the time. I'll be at work all day, then come home and I'll have to get right to it. Eventually I will run out of energy and crash; there is only so much a single human bing can take, and I already reached my limit recently.

So after the 12th I should be down to around 22 hours a week, which means that I can work on the stuff I care about, and hopefully also work on additional content. It's a goal to keep on working, if only to reach a point where I can actually get round to creating additional content.

That being said I want to get into animations, which will take a while to make if their only on the side. But if I can make a few people laugh with them then it'll be worth the effort.


I'm not too happy with how this chapter of Raiden Legacy turned out (chapter 06); it feels a tad rushed at times and I attribute that to do with my state at the time; I've been feeling very over worked lately and the pressure I've been putting on myself caused a mini mental breakdown.

However it is very important to me and in terms of the story; the first few chapters have been about establishing the characters and the situation. The problem I've had is about making these different characters come together in a believable manner and creating a sort of status quo. I decided to introduce the characters quickly, so that they can interact and build on their relationships rather than easing into each one at a time. This way the personalities are established and built upon through extended interactions over a longer period. Wether you agree with me or not, I did way my options and decided that this would be the best way to go about this situation. However I did cut this down; there were more and extended fight scenes but I was convinced to cut them down and add a few more talky parts, of which I'm thankful for.

I mentioned that it was important to me personally however, because it represents the end of the first stage in my career and an important part of my life, namely entering a larger world after my education ended. This hasn't been the easiest time of my life, but I know this isn't going to be the hardest either. But onwards and upwards!

Chapter 06 won't be posted on Deviant art yet; the quality of the flash version is really starting to irritate me and I feel makes it difficult to gain new readers. I want to fix the issues regarding image resolution, hopefully by next Monday.

However Chapter 06 is online on my own site ( for your convenience.

This week I was planning on timing myself on each page, to try and top my time with each page. However this week will be exceptionally tight for me, particularly since I won't have Friday and Saturday to work on things. On top of that I want to fix the aforementioned flash version image resolution as well as on other personal projects.

Chapter 08 will probably be more convenient for me to do a timed production.

Also I feel like I should comment on the recent deaths of Roger Ebert and Margret Thatcher, not to mention the recent horrific events in Boston. All I can do is offer my sympathy to those affected by the harsher aspects of this world, and hopefully I can give you a little escapism and entertainment in the only way I can.

It's all I can do to give something back.

Also on a side note, I realise that Lok is sheathing a revolver while talking about stealth.


You ever had one of those weeks where everything decides to stop working?

Well I have.

Despite that I did finish this weeks chapter (although a little late), but I'll probably not be able to release a chapter next week. But I will try regardless!
Either way, come back next week for something a little special, even if the regular chapter isn't finished

​On a side note, what is up with the weather?
It's the end of March and it's snowing outside my window right now.
What the hell sky?


Another week and no Raiden Legacy.

But for good reasons!

First of I've been working on a new project; one I mentioned a while ago but was still working the kinks out. Unfortunately there are still many kinks, despite working all of Sunday to try and fix it, but I have a definite plan on how to handle it, and I should be able to talk more about it around the beginning of April.
And I'm not trying to do one of those, "I'm working on a super secret project that I can't tell you about!" things, but I feel like I owe it to the few people who follow what I do to explain why there is not Raiden Legacy this week. Plus talking too much about this before it's ready makes me paranoid about somebody taking the idea first.

Secondly I wanted a good bulk of Raiden Legacy scripts finished so that people can check them over and I don't have to redo another chapter half way through.
I'm up to 10 finished chapters, so now I can slow down a bit and try to focus on weekly script writing and concept art.
I'm also working on how I would sell books and T-shirt designs and researching on how to go about that, plus I have some additional Raiden based work to finish that will probably be in the first volume, since I want to give an incentive for  people to buy something when they can read it online anyway.
Don't know if people will buy anything, but hey, if I don't try I'll never know right?

Thirdly, and I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but I'm taking the advantage that I don't think people are really invested in the series yet (to the few who are actually reading, this does not include you. You guys are awesome). After chapter 08 I'll hopefully be in the position to focus on weekly releases.
What do I mean hopefully?
It's a certainty!!!

Regardless I'm still sticking to my intention to not leave more than 2 weeks between releases. I'm already nearly done with chapter 05 so I'll be done with it over the next few days, ready for a release next Monday.
So next week I promise too...wait, is the title mocking me?


I seem to be getting more efficient at drawing pages lately (admittedly my productivity has dropped slightly after I discovered Game Grumps), so I should be able to meet my weekly update for chapter 05. However my next shifts have me working 5 days out of the week (unusual for a new part timer), so it'll be a test of my skills and endurance.

Not too much say, except that I'm finally finding my groove.

​One thing that sucks is that work is keeping me from meeting up with friends who have moved away; I'm going to have to miss out on yet another night out. However I'm determined to organise a laser quest and suit day! Why? Because I endever to be childishly self-indulgent in everything that I do.
Life's more fun that way!


Another week missed for Raiden Legacy, due in part to the rewrite of the last chapter.

A huge problem was that to meet the deadline I had to draw character designs for the Ryulong soldiers on the fly rather than creating the concept art along with the script like I usually do. As a result I ran out of time on this, so no comic today.

However I did promise last I missed an update not to leave more than a 2 week gap between releases and I plan to stick with that.

I chose to try and release chapter 03 on time, pushing 04 back, rather than going into a weekly release but making 03 another week late. Really this was because I wanted to see if I could make it; an exercise in deadlines if you will.

Once I finish the first volume I plan to pick up production, as I get into the schedule of producing regular content.

After 3 years of university and trying to write this I'm still learning. Soon I'll be ready to take this as a profession.

​This is where I would be talking about Metal Gear Rising, but I'm still lost in the space of Mass Effect. Playing through one last time, I'm finally getting my playthrough ready for the sequels and crafting a longer story. Really this a unique gaming experience that (so far as I haven't even touched 3) a crappy ending can't take away from me. But we'll see when I get there. When I finally get a chance to have a day off I'll finally get to have a playthrough.
Another game I'm playing right is Transformers Fall of Cybertron; which I missed the first time round and I'm finding an awesome online experience. Plus, custom Dinobots! I guess I'm just a sucker for cybernetic T-rexs (I pretend it's the red ranger zord in my glee).