/It's been a while, and I have a lot to get off my chest.
That's right, more bitching and excuses.
If that's not your bag, feel free to skip the following paragraph to the part where I talking about good stuff.
The bitching part is kind of important for me. It's a place to unload my frustrations and verbalise things.
You know, without paying for therapy of course.
The past few weeks I've been feeling, trapped. I started both Raiden Legacy and my job at IKEA at around the same time. A lucky break to get work so soon after my last job, but inconvenient when your committing to a new production schedule and are still learning the ropes. Over the past few weeks it really hit me how I was essentially stuck in a cycle, and wasn't making any real progress. I go work for 8 hours, come home and work on Raiden Legacy, then I feel too unmotivated to do any other work. Chapter 17 fell way behind schedule as a result.
What didn't help was my diet; turns out that low carbs means flatter stomach but emotionally dead inside. The past few weeks I've been a complete wreck.
at the beginning of the month I went to a seminar hosted by Tim Quinn, former artist and editor of Spider-Man (hands down my favourite comic series of all time), where I asked him what he thought of my work. He seemed genuinely impressed! To have a guy who worked on Spider-Man compliment me like that; it's indescribable!
Raiden is currently in a hiatus while I finish some things behind the scenes, and while I can't give you a date yet, when the series returns I'm looking to make it weekly. This will be a full time effort until the end of part 1, after which I'll take a break.
I will be tired, BUT FUCK THAT! I'm not settling in a job I don't have a passion for. I have a great job, but it's not me!
Think I'm talking shit?
Next week will be a strip a day to make up for lost time, the lost encyclopaedia entries will be up when I get home and the rest of the site is getting a full make over this week.
I'm charged now! Watch this space, updates are coming over the next few days!
No more excuses and no more complaints!
This isn't a promise!
It's a mother fucking pact!