/It's been a hell of a week!
I'm starting to hit my stride with both How 2 Fail lets plays and Playing Devils Advocate production. However I fear that it's leaving little time for anything else.
Right now I'm looking into a new editor, which'll open up a lot more free time for comics and such.
Theres also been a series of short videos since last week which'll hopefully make you laugh.
Check the link list to the left and judge for yourself!
I would like to apologise for my lack of reviews lately.
Unfortunately this is due to both limited free time and my saving money; this month has proven to be very expensive.
I'll let you know what I think of Assassins Creed IV when I finally get to the multiplayer aspect, but for now I've started a new retrospective series on called "Things I Remember", starting with Mass Effect (
I want to turn these into videos one day, but for now I need to stick with the workload I've already put on myself.