Raiden Legacy is finally back!

Don't believe me? The new link to the left agrees with me.

I did something a little silly with this though.
I decided to focus on the chapters for a week, believing I could complete 3 chapters in 7 days.
To put this in perspective, that would usually take me a month and a half to do!
I was only able to finish 2 however, but since that's an entire Month's worth, with procrastination and all, I'm really feeling good about myself.

What does this mean? That Raiden Legacy is going to be weekly from now on!

Also, a little update on what's been going on with Aston's blog.
Since my last post, Aston has started his own site, Battle Misfit!
Now I'll be doing reviews for that site too, as well as additional comic strips.
Some strips will be unique too either site, so you can alternate to see them all!
My new Stuff I Remember section will go up there first, so check out Battle Misfit for it, and other interesting articles.

Campfire Girls may be taking a bit longer than expected, but don't worry!
All this week, we'll be having new videos and comics, nearly every day!
Check back tomorrow for something a little....different, and stay tuned for the new review series Playing Devils Advocate!