Chapter 16 is up (https://raichious-muffin.squarespace.com/raiden-legacy-chapter-16), along with a new comic strip!

Now that's out of the way, a little announcement;
Following chapter 17, Raiden Legacy will be taking a 2 week hiatus, returning October 28th. 17 concludes the current series of events, so it seems like a good place to take a break.
Rest assured this is nothing to do with GTA V; this is not a break from work in general.
The problem is that I have a lot of side projects I need to resolve, namely updating the site into a more appealing format, finishing the flash version, and updating both the encyclopaedia entries and character profiles. I have talked to death about these, but I haven't been able to, mainly due to both my work shifts, recent illness and the biweekly Raiden chapters.
I just need a few weeks to get my stuff together and get everything up to date, so I can take my workload in stride and update everything as I go.
I've thought long and hard about this, and pausing production on Raiden is the only way to get everything up to date.

I'll still be doing the comic strips, and when my project with Chris over comes our scheduling conflicts I'll be releasing that bi-weekly too.

For now, see you when I feel less gross.