/11 was a week late, so I made up for it with 12. However it's not a situation I want to end up in again.
I learnt a lot over the past week. Firstly that I've become way more efficient with my drawing, capable of doing nearly a weeks worth of work in a day. On the flip side I feel like it could have been a lot better, reinforcing why I made this a bi-weekly series.
Secondly I noticed a lot of areas where I could do better, namely in the backgrounds. This is something that I plan on focusing on in the future, in particular during chapter 13. 14 through to 17 however are going to be a bit lighter on the backgrounds, being set pretty much exclusively in a forest, but after that the story will be moving onto some new locations that I'm looking forward to drawing.
There are some chapters in Raiden Legacy that I associate with things, like this is the one that was a bitch to finish, or this is the one that I had to remake half way through.
12 is the one where I won. I had a brief period of doubt, which usually would lead to me starting the series over from scratch. This time however, I came out stronger and more determined than ever.
For anyone feeling down about your work, try watching Red Vs Blue episode 1 then think about how this weekend they have an entire convention devoted to their company. Same with Penny arcade.
All you can do is constantly improve yourself.
Next week I have a surprise holiday from work, meaning that I can devote more time to projects that I've been holding off on (and perhaps finally get some use out of this Gym membership that's been eating away at my bank account), and at the end of the month I'll be flying to the merry land of Canada for a couple of weeks, so chapter 14 will be released on August 19th rather than the 5th. 13 finishes in a good place though, so when I get back I can get started on the new storyline.