Final stretch of the first arc
/Well, who do I think I am? Staggering back in here, like I’ve never been gone?
Sorry for the long absence, but I’ve had a few roadblocks since chapter nine of Raiden Legacy.
Artist block hit me pretty hard, wanting to get the next chapter finished early so I could ensure a consistent schedule for once, I’m working on buying an apartment,
also I caught COVID.
It knocked me off my feet pretty hard. I thought I could use my recovery days to get some work done, but it’s pretty hard to draw with a fever.
That said, I appreciate the irony that my last chapter left off with a character bed ridden with feverish symptoms, while I myself was stuck in bed and sweating out a virus.
I honestly didn’t plan it to go that way.
The Universe is just kinda sick like that.
So in the spirit of transparency, I’ve been re-evaluating my work structure and how I plan to do everything I want to do; from marketing myself to making sure I don’t burn out on the same project for two years going on twenty.
Here’s the plan!
Chapter ten is out today on all platforms where I post, with tapas going for a staggered pattern, which I was advised to do to help make my work more visible. Chapter eleven and twelve are on track for the first of April and May respectively which will round off the first story arc, and ending on Raiden Legacy’s Birthday no less.
I’m looking to finish both this month or a little bit into the next, which will wrap up Volume four.
Once those are done and dusted I’ll finally finish publishing Volume three. I know it’s been a while since I put out the second one, but I’ve been having a lot of problems publishing the third due to Amazon’s restrictions regarding the page margins, it’s a whole thing that I distanced myself from before I went insane.
Can’t give a concrete date yet, but once the comic itself is wrapped I’ll be trowing myself at the problem until it’s fixed. So Volume three and four will be published around the same time, and after that I’ll be rolling into e-books of the first four volumes.
I’m still new to self-publishing so I’m still learning as I go but hopefully this will smooth out and make publishing future volumes much easier.
Once chapter twelve is wrapped I’ll be taking a step back to finish writing the series script, right up to the ending. Yeah, I’ve planned all this so don’t worry about a Game of Thrones finale where I just kinda wing it to make everything fit. I have been planning this out for years and working on getting everything just right, it’s just the in-between scenes, panel structure and the specifics of the dialogue I need to iron out..
Then I’ll be doing some other stuff I wanted to do for a while, and finally getting back to drawing the next story arc after that.
Basically I’m structuring my work load into chunks to help keep me motivated and focused.
So that’s about everything.
Chapter ten out today at 4PM in whatever time zone works with which platform, mercs will be bi-daily across all posted sites (except Tapas where the previous strips will be posted daily until caught up) and this will continue until the end of May when the first four volumes and the opening story arc will finally be wrapped.
Sorry it’s taken a year long than I wanted, but I don’t want to keep you waiting any longer.
Take care now, bye bye then.