Book trouble, Raiden Legacy face lift and how self isolation is helping me out.
/A few months ago I printed test copies of my first book, but there were a lot of issues with the margins.
Since then I’ve been struggling to get round to fixing them so I have a physical copy to sell.
Now that choice has been made for me, but it’s been harder than I thought.
A lot of it comes down to how I drew my pages, confined to a box.
It’s great for webcomics; defined borders, look nice and organized, but for a printed version it’s a lot different.
I’d need to redo a lot of the artwork from scratch, covering over 300 pages of work.
Basically I made life way harder for myself than I needed to.
I’m doing some test prints now to make sure that I get my calculations right; I printed a small book with pages touching different margins and lengths to see where the cut off is for my borders, so when that comes back I can finally move onto the final draft (fingers crossed).
In the meanwhile, I’m stuck at home after my family showed signs of the Coronavirus. I’m fine for now, but it’s got me a couple of days off work, so I’m pretty much forced to work on Raiden. Or get the achievements in the latest Overwatch event. Bit of both really. So that’s on track for release sooner than later.
If you’re stuck inside too, maybe I can help keep you entertained while we wait for the all-clear.
And finally, Raiden Legacy is going through changes going into chapter 7.
The minor change is that I’ll be changing the distance of text from the border, which is minor in the long run.
More major is that I’ll be adding shadow to the artwork, rather than using line shading. I found a way that won’t take forever to do and might be faster and cleaner than the old way.
I always told myself that chapter 1 would look the worst, not because I didn’t try, but because I want to constantly improve.