Climate - Temperate and Forested
Deity - Terra
Primary Export - Vegetables
Leader - Un-unified
Flora - Terra Wood
Geology - Terra Rock
Film - Gothic Horror
Omega - The Capital of Affe.
Decimal - A trading town that controls the pass through a dense forest.
Divide - A village renown as a crafting town. The Construction capital of the region.
Metre - A poor village, bordering on Tenshi. Renown for a large scar in the side of a mountain, said to have been left by the God, Jupiter.
Radius - A town built on a colossal dam. Uses the water from the local river to create water energy orbs for use in water surfer construction.
Vector - A town built above the forest floor to counter seasonal flooding and avoid predators.
Climate - Underwater
Deity - Neptune
Primary Export - Large Seafood
Leader - Emperor Peter Bladen (Dragolong Empire)
Flora - Coral Wood
Geology - Coral Rock
Film - Animation
Gamma - Capital of Atlantis
Anthias - A village over a magma fissure, rumoured to have been left from the planets creation.
Chromis - A village protected by a forest of glowing, stinging plants.
Tang - Home of the Coral Forest, and the key source of the plants harvesting.
Tetra - The only Atlantian settlement that has a mainland presence, and the primary source of trade.
Wrasse - Old Capital. The villagers tend to the historical landmarks.
Climate - Hot, Rain Forests
Deity - Vulcan
Primary Export - Tropical Fruit
Leader - Emperor Peter Bladen (Dragolong Empire)
Flora - Storm Wood
Film - Biographical
Sigma - Capital of Esquilo
Cinnamon - A village of homes built into the trees themselves.
Cumin - Home of the singing forest. Renown for its musical presence.
Ginger - A mobile village that travels up and down the main river that runs through the country.
Paprica - One of the few villages not in a forest. Home to the source of Esquilo’s flatland farms.
Pepper - A village constructed from the bones of defeated Demon.
Climate - Dry and Sandy
Deity - Uranus
Primary Export - Spices
Leader - Emperor Peter Bladen (Dragolong Empire)
Geology - Storm Rock
Film - Gunslinger
Upsilon - Capital of Ikati
Comma - A town that rides on a giant rail surfer. Used by merchants to move across the desert safely.
Grammar - Village of water. Serves as a stopping point when crossing the desert.
Paragraph - Built into the carcass of a giant scorpion. Home of the huntress guild.
Sentence - Built into Mt Sever; a rich source of metals and minerals. Home to a thriving crafting community.
Verb - A deep pit with homes built into the walls.
Climate - Tropical Islands
Deity - Luna
Primary Export - Small Seafood
Leader - Alpha Gloria Marinero
Flora - Wind Wood
Film - Musical
Alpha - Capital of Lobo
Avacado - An island located within a whirlpool. Difficult to reach without proper guidance.
Citrus - Island of illusion. The local flora induce powerful hallucinations.
Guava - Island built on the back of a giant serpent. Known to move.
Honeydew - Island of fruit. A popular marketplace.
Mango - Island of Luna’s temple. Home to the hunting community and the rite of passage test to complete the training to become a full hunter.
Climate - Hot and Volcanic
Deity - Venus
Primary Export - Dragon Meat
Leader - Emperor Peter Bladen (Dragolong Empire)
Geology - Fire Rock and Drago Rock
Film - Dramatic
Tau - Capital of Pendragon
Gunn - Built into a volcano, using the magma to power the villages needs.
Kubrick - A village built into a giant bridge, providing a vital crossing over the Vulcan scar; a giant valley that leads to a magma core.
Lucas - A castle village. Home of the old capital and a vital fortress for the Imperial military.
Tarantino - A village of Dragon demon. Home to the titan dragon tribe.
Whedon - A port town and one of the few outside the Empire’s military influence, due to the efforts of the local fishermen who act as warriors to defend their home from invaders.
Climate - Harsh Winds and Cold Mountains
Deity - Mercury
Primary Export - Tough Meat
Leader - Emperor Peter Bladen (Dragolong Empire)
Flora - Fire Wood
Film - Slapstick
Theta - Capital of Phenix
Argon - A village protected by the skull of a giant dragon.
Curium - Built into the peaks of the Wyvern teeth mountain range. The key defence of the nation from invaders.
Indium - An underground village that snakes under the entire county.
Lithium - The scorched village, home to a vicious dragon assault. The community rebuilt their village, keeping the scars to remind them of the fury of dragons.
Radon -Old Imperial capital. Place of great historical significance, built to resemble an imposing castle.
Climate - Moderate and Urban
Deity - Jupiter
Primary Export - Security
Leader - Colonel Roy Irving
Film - Military Action
Zeta - Capital city of the PMN. One large city, separated into the following districts:
Azure - Merchant district.
Cyan - Sky surfer factory and docking. The only place on the continent that can house the massive dreadnoughts and carriers.
Gamboge - Offices district. Bureaucratic hub of the nation.
Magenta - The entertainment district. Home to many nations restaurants and entertainment options.
Vermillion - Housing district. The quality and hight is awarded according to rank.
Climate - Temperate and Hilly
Deity - Vulcan
Primary Export - Rice and Wheat
Leader - Emperor Peter Bladen (Dragolong Empire)
Geology - Wind Rock
Film - Martial Arts
Kappa - Capital of Shenlong
Diameter - Film hub. Home of many premieres and film festivals from across the continent.
Isosceles - Faming village. A levelled village built into Mt Steel.
Pentagon - A village built atop a wall, honouring the serpent god dragon.
Scalene - A flying village, hidden within the clouds.
Vertex - Old Capital. Place of great historical significance.
Climate - Small, Tropical Islands
Deity - Jupiter
Primary Export - Sugar
Leader - Un-Unified
Flora - Storm Wood
Film - Kaiju
Sparta - Old Capital. Now uninhabited ruins.
Krokodil - Island of the Shark riders. A former pirate hub.
Mosca - Home of the Mars arena, where the annual Mars tournament is held.
Tarpon - A floating village, now a husk of its former glory as a commercial hub.
Voron - A village built into a giant sword, allegedly once used by Mars to slay the Kraken King.
Zorro - A swordsmith village. Still a popular spot for freelancers looking for the best weapons.
Climate - Snowy Mountains and Tundra
Deity - Saturn and Jupiter
Primary Export - Steel
Leader - Queen Kiyoshi Heiwa
Flora - Water Wood
Geology - Water Rock and Iron Rock
Film - Samurai
Delta - Capital of Tenshi
Bentley - The iron mountains, home to the great weapon smiths of Tenshi.
Ford - The village at the foot of Mt Thunder. Renown for being the home of the first shaman of Lightning.
Mercedes - The cloud hidden village, built high into the mountains. Home of the Imperial palace.
Mustang - A town, home to the continents most famous hot-springs resort.
Tesla - A village protected by giant lighting spires
Climate - Flatland and Hot
Deity - Mars
Primary Export - Dino Meat and Vegetables
Leader - Emperor Peter Bladen (Dragolong Empire)
Film - Historical
Omicron - Capital of Tyrano
Allo - A village where wild dinos live in peace with Demankind.
Brachio - A town on the edge of a giant crater lake. Allegedly the site where a meteor struck, changing the planets atmosphere to suit the current Fauna.
Diplo - A city covered in armour. Protects the border from invaders.
Stego - Old Capital. Built into the walls of a giant colosseum.
Veloci - A mystic site, rumoured to border the world of the dead.
Climate - Cold Forests
Deity - Pluto
Primary Export - Wine
Leader - President Maylis Sagesse
Flora - Lead Wood
Film - Arthouse
Epsilon - Capital of Vampirica. Built into the former capital city, Redwood. Spearated into the following districts:
Ash - An artistic hub. Home of the cathedral of Uranus
Birch - A former shanty town, rebuilt into a thriving market district.
Maple - A theatre district. The goal of every aspiring playwright.
Oak - A river district, dedicated to Neptune.
Spruce - Borders the town, aesthetically closer to a village than the main city.