Star Trek: Into Darkness
/Rating - 9/10
The good:
-Great action
-The Villain
-Well acted
The bad:
-Bad cinematography during one fight
Star Trek Into Darkness follows on from the first JJ Abrams adaptation of the classic TV series, as Captain Kirk (Chris Pine) and his crew take on an alliance traitor turned terrorist, John Harrison (Benedict Cumberbatch).
The glue that holds this film together is the main cast, and I really want to see more of these characters. Every one feels utilised with their own moments and roles to play, and every one of them felt like they were on their A game in this. The focus however is on the relationship between Kirk and his second in command Spock (Zachary Quinto), dealing with the issues of what is right vs feelings of comradeship and the affects of self sacrifice on the loved ones left behind.
This film has one of the best villains in a film in the form of Harrison, who plays the character as both the cunning Hannibal Lector type, as well as a damn terrifying force of nature. I'm serious, this guy scared me senseless when he really lets loose. On top of that he's given a proper motive, in that he's looking out for his crew. Not that his motives are sympathetic, but he is at least believable.
<SPOILER - Even someone like me who has never seen Wrath of Kahn knows who Kahn is. I've heard that the original was played even better, and it really makes me want to look it up.
Of course he's not the only villain. Admiral Markus (Peter Weller) was also very convincing as an officer disgruntled with the peaceful nature of Star Fleet, and is willing to start a war in the name of "the greater good". However I'm thankful that Kahn proved to be the main threat, since he was the much more compelling villain.>
My one complaint is that there was on fight which was poorly shot, during a shootout with a group of Klingons, with a lot of shaky cam and fast cuts. If it wasn't for this one complaint, I would say that this was a perfect film. But since it is a problem, I'm going to have to go with a 9 rather than a 10.
The other scenes however are awesome, ranging from flying chases, to hand to hand combat high above a futuristic skyline, to a scene onboard a crashing ship.
I have to admit, I can see why fans of the series dislike this film. However since the previous JJ Abrams film was my introduction to the Star Trek universe, I was OK with it.
<SPOILERS - The film takes scenes almost directly out of Wrath of Kahn, trying to mix things up by switching Kirk and Spock around in the sacrifice scene. I honestly felt like it was played off very well, but I can see why the fans are up in arms. It's the type of thing that can really suck you out of the film. That being said. this doesn't affect my rating, since I believe that a film should stand up on it's own, regardless of what came before.>